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Frequently Asked Questions
What is SCart Online?
With a user-friendly interface, Our product Online provides a seamless shopping experience for customers looking for quality puja products. The platform offers a wide variety of products, from traditional items like floating oils wicks, camphor scented wicks, and deity’s aesthetic photo frames to modern and innovative products like puja thalis and jyot stand holders.
Where can SCart Online deliver its product?
Our product Online delivers its products pan India. We ship our products to around 32,000 pin codes in India. We can usually deliver domestic orders in 2-5 business days. Delivering products to remote locations may take up to 10-12 business days.
How long do floating oil wicks last?
It usually lasts 7+ hours, given oil in the container where the wick is floating.
Do you provide a Cash on Delivery (COD) option?
Yes, we provide a COD option, i.e., Rs.50/Order
What is your delivery time?
Products in Delhi NCR are delivered in 2-3 working days, whereas products outside Delhi are delivered in 4-6 working days.